Sunday, October 27, 2013

ObamaCare TV Advertisement Scares and Confuses Some, Sources Say...

I don't know enough yet about all the ObamaCare thing going on and quite frankly I have been putting it off because I'm scared to know the truth. Knowing what I know about graphic design, audio and video production, and advertising scares/confuses me even more. I don't watch a lot of TV but I happened to be watching Saturday Night Live tonight.  In the middle of the Edward Norton hilarious-ness, on came a commercial for It could be argued that the commercial was terribly underfunded and rushed. I could hear the pops of the voice-over actors's P's, the swirly logo was sub-par and pixelated, and the overall vibe and tone left me feeling dirty. It looks and sounds like a high school video project. It's clear they cut some corners on the TV spot, which brings up a lot of questions and conundrums. Should I be scared since I know our government probably spent $450 on the commercial and it's just an indicator of just how shabby the health care system is and will be? OR...should I be grateful that they're not spending/wasting a hell of a lot of money in advertising to mandatory customers? (I know guys who would charge upwards of $20,000 for a 30 second masterpiece) OR...


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